Ingenium API Data Models

Understanding the structure of our data is essential in querying our API and working with the results. This page provides potential users with information on our data fields and what they contain.

Usage Notes

  • Use the table columns Search, Sort, Facet, and Stats to understand which fields can be used in the API for searching, sorting, faceting, and/or statistics.
  • (New) Field statistics. Integer and date fields can deliver statistics about the data in the fields. E.g. max and min values. See our API Docs for implementation details.

Common Fields

Fields that are common to all our Data Models.

Common Fields
Field Name Type Description Search Sort Facet Stats
id String

Full Object Catalogue Number. Includes part number(s). (objPartNumber).
Format: objAquisition_Year.objAquisition_Number.objPart_Number

The master identification number for the item (assigned by Ingenium).

itemType String Item type: Object (i.e., Artifact) or Document (i.e., Archives)

Object Fields

Fields that describe our Collection Objects (i.e. Artifacts).


  • Dates in objAquisitionYear, objRecord_Created, and objRecord_LastUpdated with the year “1966” indicate that the object was acquired either before 1966 (the founding of the Collection), or that its acquisition date is unknown.
  • Measurements are approximate. They tend to reflect the storage space required for the object, rather than a precise indicator of the object’s size.
Object Data Model
Field Name Type Description Search Sort Facet Stats
objCatalogueNumber String Complete Object Catalogue Number. Does not include objPartNumber. Refers to the object as a whole, and does not include individual parts. Format: objAquisition_Year.objAquisition_Number
objAquisition_Year Integer Year the object was acquired.
objAquisition_Number Integer Number sequence of object acquired in objAquisitionYear. Zero-padded to a minimum of 4 characters in objCatalogueNumber.
objPart_Number Integer Object part number, used for subordinate parts of a main or whole object. Zero-padded to a minimum of 4 characters in objBaseCatalogueNumber.
objPart_Total Integer Total object parts.
objName String Formal Object Name.
objAKA String Informal Object Name.
objGeneralDescription String A simple description of materials that make up an object.
objType String Series of identifiers used to differentiate between design variations of objects with the same formal object name. (ObjName).
objOnDisplay Boolean Is the Object on Display in our Museums?
objOnDisplay_Location String Location of the object (i.e., where is it on display?).
objSerialNumber String Object Serial Number, if applicable. Typically based on information recorded in the Markings field (ObjDetails_Markings).
objPatents String List of Patents associated with the object.
objModel String Object model name, typically based on information recorded in the Markings field (ObjDetails_Markings), but can be based on other research.
objLocation String Combines the fields objManufacturer_City, objManufacturer_State, and objManufacturer_Country into a single field for faceting and display. One or all of the fields may be empty.
Format: objManufacturer_City, objManufacturer_State, objManufacturer_Country
objManufacturer_Name String Specific name of the organization or individual that manufactured the object, typically recorded based on information recorded in the Markings field (ObjDetails_Markings).
objManufacturer_Acronym String Generalized name of the organization or individual that manufactured the object. May be linked and shared across multiple variations of ObjManufacturer_Name.
objManufacturer_Country String Country in which the object was made.
objManufacturer_State String State or province within the country of the object’s manufacture, if applicable/known.
objManufacturer_City String City within the country of the object’s manufacture, if applicable/known.
objManufactured_DateFrom Integer Precise year, or beginning of year range, in which the object was made.
objManufactured_DateTo Integer Used in conjunction with ObjManufactured_DateFrom, this is the end of the year range in which the object was/may have been made.
objManufactured_DateQualifier String Qualifying word used to add context to the date (e.g., circa, before, etc.). Absence of a qualifier means the year given in ObjManufactured_DateFrom is to be taken as exact.
objLexicon_Group String Top-level subject matter category (e.g., Communications).
objLexicon_Category String Mid-level subject matter category (e.g., Radio). Values in this field are linked with the higher-level field (ObjLexicon_Group).
objLexicon_Subcategory String Bottom-level subject matter category (e.g., Broadcasting). Values in this field are linked with the higher-level fields (ObjLexicon_Group and ObjLexicon_Category).
objContext_Canada String Refers to the importance of an object to Canada, based on its design, historical or local importance, manufacture, etc.
objContext_Country String Name of the country in which the object was used.
objContext_State String Name of the state or province in which the object was used.
objContext_Period String Time period during which the object was used.
objContext_Function String Statement of the general and/or specific use or role of an object.
objContext_Technical String Refers to the importance of an object to its technological field, or to the history of technology in general.
objContext_AreaNotes String Specific information about where an object was used (e.g., city name and/or institution name, etc.).
objDetails_Markings String A transcription of any text available on an object.
objDetails_Missing String Statement of missing parts to an object, if any.
objDetails_Finish String Description of the colours and finish type of an object (e.g., red, painted finish).
objDetails_Decoration String Description of decorative details on an object.
objLength Float Object Length.
objLengthUnit String Object Length unit (e.g., cm)
objWidth Float Object Width
objWidthUnit String Object Width unit (e.g., cm)
objHeight Float Object Height
objHeightUnit String Object Height unit (e.g., cm)
objThickness Float Object Thickness
objThicknessUnit String Object Thickness unit (e.g., cm)
objWeight Float Object Weight
objWeightUnit String Object Weight unit (e.g., kg)
objDiametre Float Object Diametre
objDiametreUnit String Object Diameter unit (e.g., cm)
objVolume Float Object Volume
objVolumeUnit String Object Volume unit (e.g., litre)
objRecord_Created Datetime (ISO 8601) Date the record was created. Expressed in UTC.
objRecord_CreatedEpoch Integer Date the record was created. Expressed as Unix Epoch.
objRecord_LastUpdated Datetime (ISO 8601) Date the record was last updated. Expressed in UTC.
objRecord_LastUpdatedEpoch Integer Date the record was last updated. Expressed as Unix Epoch.
objWebMedia Array[String] Array of media objects (URLs) associated with the object.

Archive Fields

Fields that describe our Archival Documents.

Archive Data Model
Field Name Type Description Search Sort Facet Stats
docCollectionName String Name of the archival collection.
docTitle String Original data from collection or title of the asset, supplied by Ingenium. Original data is usually not translated.
docOtherTItle String Original data that came with the asset. Title data can come from various sources, such as registers, envelopes, or index cards. This data is in the language that it was supplied.
docCreator String Name of the photographer or creator.
docCaption String The caption for the photo, either original to item or supplied by Ingenium. Original captions are not translated.
docLocation String Where the item was created.
docRepository String Indicates the physical space where the asset is located (i.e. Ingenium Archives, CASM Library, etc.).
docExtent String Number of items and type (photographs, documents, drawings, maps, etc.)
docOriginalDate String Text date the item was created, following cataloguing standards.
docScope String Scope and content of the asset. A narrative description of the context and content of the item.
docLang String Language of the asset or original description.
docLegacyID String ID numbers that in the past have been associated with this item.
docNotes String General notes about the asset; Content warnings; Signature and Inscriptions, information about title changes, etc.
docKeywords String Mots-clés pour l’actif en fonction des vedettes-matières normalisées.
docCallNumber String Where item is on shelf or storage cabinets (library material only).
docRights String Rights and Permissions info about the asset in narrative form.
docWebThumb String URL of thumbnail image described by the record
docWebImage String URL of image described by the record
docRecord_Created Datetime (ISO 8601) Date the record was created. Expressed in UTC.
docRecord_LastUpdated Datetime (ISO 8601) Date the record was last updated. Expressed in UTC.
docRecord_CreatedEpoch Integer Date the record was created. Expressed as Unix Epoch.
docRecord_LastUpdatedEpoch Integer Date the record was last updated. Expressed as Unix Epoch.